Dick Dowdell
1 min readAug 1, 2020

Lauren, get a grip on reality. You have no clue how either government or politics work. Governing well is hard. It is also an exercise in compromise. No politician can waive a magic wand and change reality, It takes time and an understanding of priorities.

Obama took office just after our economy collapsed. To minimize the very real human suffering, immediate and effective action had to be taken to turn around the economic hemorrhaging. That action required the cooperation of both the Republicans and the Democrats who had very different viewpoints, values, and priorities. To make that work took enormous political skill and compromise.

I am grateful that President Obama didn't make perfect the enemy of the good as you most certainly would have. I would probably have ended up losing my home, along with the job I did lose.

Dick Dowdell

A former US Army officer with a wonderful wife and family, I’m a software architect and engineer who has been building software systems for 50 years.