Lynn, I'm 78.
We made a major step forward with the Affordable Care Act and the Republicans have been trying to kill it ever since---and the voters haven't punished them for it.
Big Pharma and the huge medical insurance corporations spend an enormous amount of money lobbying our senators and representatives. Dark money is gaming the system so that the laws and regulations favor the bad guys.
The only way to stop that is by voting. Half the people who voted, voted for the party that wants to kill affordable care and a hell of a lot of people didn't vote at all. Murdering people will not fix that.
If people had gotten out and voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primaries, and then Presidential election, things might have changed. Instead, we got more of the same ... and now we have the ultimate rich guy con-artist back in the White House. In a democracy, we get the government we deserve.
I understand the frustration, but murdering people will not fix things. History tells us it never really has. It usually just increases the suffering. Our form of government gives us the means to fix things, but we have to vote to do it.