That is about as illogical a stream of sophistry as I've read in years. I'm no liberal and for most of my life I've voted conservative (with a small 'c'). But at the current point of Western history, fascism is by far the greater threat and its causes are the stresses created by the movement of wealth from the middle classes to the upper 1% of the wealthy class. This is neither a Liberal or Conservative problem. It is the corrupting influence of money in politics and simple human greed. It is a pattern that repeats itself over and over throughout history and it destroyed Athens and Rome.
Christianity is not the driver of Liberalism and probably never was. Knowledge is a more likely cause. I am an engineer and a scientist. Facts (not the alternative kind) are neutral things. The flaws in how we humans govern ourselves are built into our nature. They evolved in our brains because they once gave small tribal groups an evolutionary advantage. The world's current complexity has outgrown their efficacy. Representative democracy is the best we are capable of and superior to the alternatives. We're just not very good at it.
You have proven one thing: intellectual crap in, intellectual crap out. Your anti-religious screed is of no practical value and offers no solutions. Especially when the vast majority of Westerners are no longer religious. You must still be very young. Your use of the term ‘eschatology’ is a dead giveaway.